ミシガン州出身の4人組ロックバンド Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate) の新作『You Will Eventually Be Forgotten』の8月19日発売が決定しました!
Coming Soon…
1. Ribbon
2. I Was Somewhere Cold, Dark… and Lonely
3. We Are People Here. We Are Not Numbers
4. A Keepsake
5. You Have to Be So Much Better than You Ever Thought
6. Stay Divided
7. Foxfire
8. Things Not Worth Fixing
9. If It’s Bad News, It Can Wait
10. It’s So Much Darker When a Light Goes Out than When It Would Have Been If it Had Never Shone
11. The Promise That Life Can Go On No Matter How Bad Our Losses
You Will Eventually Be Forgotten
Music | Empire! Empire! (I Was a Lonely Estate)